Where do I grow from here?

It’s so easy to get stuck in the routine, the rut, the mundane tasks of life. That’s when life loses it’s magic and everything becomes a chore. If you’re struggling with feeling stuck in a rut, ask yourself one question:

“Where do I grow from here?”

Asking this means surrendering to a place of hope. It suggests that there is another step you can take. It says “show me” to Life again.

To me, life is all about learning and evolving and becoming the best version of You that you can be so that you can help others become the best version of Them they can be. Through doing this, we become the best versions of Us and we realise that we’re all in this ride together.

“Where do I grow from here?”

It forces you to open your eyes to the mundane, showing how this moment is a learning curve for personal growth and development. I firmly believe that Life is always gearing us up for the next level. The things that you learn at this stage are preparing you for the next. If you show up now, when things are at their most difficult or boring or unexciting, you will definitely show up when things are going well.

The greatest adventure you will ever make will be the one you make with your heart. Whenever you feel stuck in a rut, ask Life “Where do I grow from here?” and suddenly Life’s magic opens back up to you.

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